Answer for Artur: Answer of the question via Website inquiry


Dear Artur,

Sorry to reply this way. I cannot find your mail address so I write your answer in this manner.

As long as you are in Tokyo, you can go somewhere for dancing every night. However, there are rare events to open like “every week” manner because of Corona Pandemic. (This story is bit too long to explain so I just cut our)

According to the above, I wrote the recommended events you should enjoy with. You need to find if they are doing in the particular day.

One thing I would like to tell is that almost all Japanese Salsa Events start something like 19:30-20:30 and end at 23:00-23:30, so much earlier than other country. Please be careful and make your schedule for fitting in.

◆Omatsuri Mambo:
This evert is rare because EVERY WEEK they are doing. They open very Tuesday 19:30 to 23:00. The place is inside Tokyo, named JBA studio at Kodenmacho.
One of the organizers can speak English. They should treat you very good with language. I am almost the regular attender of there. You can meet me in high possibility.

I hope you can change it to English. This evert is also very popular in Japan. The place is Roppongi, inside Tokyo.
This again, one of the organizers can speak English. I think she supports you to enjoy there.

If you can find this luckily, please send me your e-mal then I can tell you exactly where you should go. I can find the good ones for NY and LA style.

Masataka Tsubaki

